Simple Tips On How to Make a Better Record
A series of observations ranging from the mundane to almost esoterically philosophical, most filtered through a bit too dry sense of humor. 1. Choose one tuner for everyone to use through the entire project. Make sure it’s calibrated to instruments you may be using that do not have variable tuning, such as a Hammond organ.…
Shadowboxers singing “Still Crazy After All These Years”
What a fun day with these guys. We tried every combination of mics & rooms we could come up with. Well it was fun for us.
Dave Daniels Session
Gerry Hansen with Georgina Callaghan and Shawn Mullins
Tom Ryan with Georgina Callaghan and Shawn Mullins
Shawn Mullins and Davis Causey
Shawn Mullins and Georgina Callaghan
Shawn Mullins Band – Davis Causey
We had played two nights before at Levon Helm’s Midnight Ramble and the previous night at Bearsville Theater.
Bearsville Theater with the Shawn Mullins Band
Played at the Bearsville Theater in Woodstock, New York.
Joe South at Down in Deep
Above photo: Tommy Dean and Joe South. Below photo: Martin Kearns and Joe South