Wow am I bad at keeping this blog thing

Seems like documentation is not really my strong suit. Here’s some of the last few months events.

Through the summer I finished tracking Holly Allen’s CD. Vocals will be done between Christmas & New Year. Did keys, recorded some percussion, & a wrote a couple of string arrangements for Shawn Mullins’ new CD. Also did keys on some tunes by Calaghan that Shawn is producing. Knocked out a marching band arrangement, played some keys, & recorded reinforcement horns & percussion for Band of Horses new single, “Georgia”. Also did string & horn arrangement work for their live show.

Finishing up Khari Cabral Simmons new CD. Being mixed by Bluey from Incognito & Mo Hausler. Cool project featuring some great guest artists. This will get it’s own post as release time nears. Still plugging away at Tommy Dean’s solo project. Working right now on the last couple of mixes on Max Davidson’s CD. He’s quite a talent, watch out for him. Mixed Willie Ziavino’s CD with Rafael P. producing. Beautiful work. On the Jazz front, I’ve been blown away by some of the younger artists coming through. Recorded projects by Nick Rosen, Colin Agnew, & in the process of one by Will Goble. Amazing musicians. Some of the other guys really impressing me are Kevin Smith & Henry Connerway II. Ridiculous players. Khari & I are also co-producing a project by Chantae Caan. We have several more projects lined up for 2011. The European release of Heston’s new CD “Warm Human” is done & delivered, & we’re finishing up the last mix for the American release which will have 2 additional tracks.

That’s enough for now. Pretty sure I’ve left stuff out, but you’re probably tired of the laundry list by now any way.


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